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书名:意大利不面  类别:玄幻魔法  作者:三厢梅卡瓦 || 错误/举报 更新/提醒 投票推荐




    我希望当我死去时,itmy will when i die

    不要埋葬我,不要埋葬我,don’t bury, don’t bury me

    割下我的老二放在酒里,you cutdickalcohol

    然后交给我的妻子。and callwie and giveto her

    如果她哭的话就让她哭,and when she cry , let her cry

    她想干什么就干什么。when she roll let her rock

    她以为她是谁,and what the **** she think she is

    就让她对着我的老二吧。she ****ing a肉nd withgi dick

    会有男人给她忠告,another man will counsel her

    会有男人给她安慰。another man willort her

    请把我的帽子和步枪,takerile and波

    留给我的儿子,callson and giveto him

    让他学会保卫或去战斗,let him deendlet him ight

    为了他的祖国,为了他的同胞。or his country ,or his people





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